Thursday, January 19, 2012

Juggler, or ball dropper? Remains to be seen....

Ok. I wanted to start another blog but I'm not willing to start from scratch at this hour of my day! I've worked all day, drove home through a snowstorm and only have a little time before I'm off to a school meeting.'s a wonder I can't find the time to post more often! I really miss blogging. Unfortunately, my original subject matter (P90x attempting husband) has abandon his work out routine. I've decided not to let that stop me from writing! I need this creative outlet. (If you're wondering why- re-read the third sentence!) Bear with me as I try and find my new niche. Unfortunately, the things I want to write about most- job and kids- I'm not sure if I want to share my thoughts on those subjects to the whole blogging world. One thing I am constantly asked is "how do you juggle everything?" Like every good juggler, I have still have days where the balls fall. So, at this stage in the game, I will be either writing about how I to be a great juggler, or about the times when I've dropped the ball. For now, it's time to get back to being a clown and leave for my meeting...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"I'm Back Baby....I'm back"

10 paints if you can name the show that quote is from....

We woke up and did plyometrics. I had to pull Joe out of bed. He tried to use every excuse as to why we shouldn't work out. In the end, he was glad I made him wake up. Since we've officially entered the last phase, I expected things to be much easier. We've been getting up, working our butts off for 8 weeks. Why isn't this getting easier? More importantly, why don't we look more like the models on the Beachbody website?

Tomorrow is arms. I'm crossing my fingers we are able to get up. It's Claire's first night in a big girl bed. I'm guessing I have to get up two times in the middle of the night. I'm taking bets -- any takers on the under?

The title quote is from George on Seinfeld. (and for on Seinfeld and check out the video!)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Where have we been?

So, just because I haven't been posting it doesn't mean we haven't been working out. I have a six pack to prove it and Joe is down 20 lbs.

(Ha! Ha! I WISH! Did the fact the chest trying to pose as Joe was hairless give it away?) We really did all of phase II without much of a problem. It was week one of Phase III that made us total slackers. So much so that we are re-doing week 10. In our defense, this past month we've had to deal with allot of this:

puke Pictures, Images and Photos

Let's just say, there has been allot of illness going around with the kids. I blame my lack of postings on spending my evenings cleaning up barf or worse.... Here's hoping that we're back on track and can finish strong!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Phase II Has Begun

Today was the beginning of Phase II. We woke up and did chest, shoulders & triceps. Since it was the first time for us doing the work out, we both felt we didn't do a great job of pushing ourselves. We had to figure out the moves and by the time we did, it was time to move on. Tomorrow is plyometrics. I'm a little excited. I know the work out, and it's cardio based...more my style. I'd rather do cardio than upper body strength.

So in case you were wondering who got up to do Yoga...I'm proud to say it was me. I did it & it wasn't that bad. I think having to listen to Joe grunt through Yoga messes with my Chakras.

Another fun pic of Joe...taken while working his triceps. Don't be alarmed, the stains on the carpet next to him are not from him puking. If I were to bet, I'd say the stains were made by one of our wonderful offsping(s).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Slippery Slope

Sunday we were supposed to do the "stretch" work out. I thought we had a good chance of actually getting this work out in because there was no football on tv. Unfortunately, I didn't foresee all the other possible road blocks to working out. There was a sick child, a dinner invite complete with home made pasta and mounds of laundry. Whatever the excuse, we didn't get the work out in.

Monday morning, the alarm went off at 5:15 just as scheduled. Too bad our bodies weren't aware of the schedule. Our bodies chose to remain in the warm cozy bed instead of waking up to work it's core. I blame the fact I stayed up too late so I didn't want to get up. It most definitely wasn't because I hate the core work out and never want to do it again. Not sure of Joe's reason for staying in bed. When I said I wanted to sleep in, he was quick to agree.

Lucky for us, all was not lost. I decided to run on my lunch hour. I haven't run since I agreed to do 90 days of p90x with Joe. Running at lunch is so much more fun than core at 5:30 a.m! To my surprise, Joe was downstairs doing Core when I came home. So, we learned that we could sleep in and still work out. This may be the start of the proverbial slippery slope...

Tuesday morning, the alarm went off. 5:30 - Yoga time! One of us got out of bed and did the work out. Who do you think it was????

Sunday, January 30, 2011

An Apology

After completing "Core" - I feel I owe Yoga an apology. Yoga is not that awful compared to Core. I might go as far as to say that Yoga is enjoyable in comparison. Joe doesn't agree with that statement- he hates both Core and Yoga. I think he hates all of this. His favorite part is the rest day and the fact he's actually losing weight. Although, we did Kenpo the day after Core and he kept saying how great he felt. I'm not sure which is more annoying, hearing him grunt and complain, or hearing him yell "I feel great" while humming the Rocky Theme song. No joke.

Picture below is Joe after feeling good completing the Kenpo workout.

Tomorrow is Core again. Let's hope it goes better than the first time.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Deep Medatative Yoga Poem

Yoga is done,
but it was not fun.

Tomorrow there's more-
It's called the "Core"

Core is something new
hope what I heard is not true.

Been told it's hard but to fear not,
Only after 4 kids, my core is shot.

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes,
for now, let's just remember that Yoga blows.